Southern Ontario Sprints
Article Credit: Peter Turford
St. Marys, Ont. (May 14, 2024) - Southern Ontario Sprints series management is pleased to announce the Quick Six bonus program. To win the award, the winning driver has to sacrifice the pole position and opt to start in the sixth position in the feature. An additional $200 will be added to the feature winner's purse should they start in sixth position.
If the pole position driver does not opt to start sixth, the award cannot be won. Each time the award is not won, the $200 will be carried over to the next feature. This will continue until the award is won. The pot then resets at $200 until it is again won. In the event that there is money yet to be won at the end of the season, those dollars will carry over to 2025. Without rainouts or winners in the meantime, the season-ending race winner could see a potential bonus of $1,600 on top of the regular $2,500 winner's purse.
The sixth-starting driver will be determined by a redraw of the top six feature starters; the top six will be determined through time trials and their heat race finish. The driver who draws the '1' will be the only driver to have the option to choose to take the sixth starting position. If the driver who picks the '1' opts to start sixth, the other five drivers will be moved forward one spot.
"The Malvern Bank 360 Sprint Car series in Nebraska announced a program similar to this earlier this year, and we thought it worth emulating," noted SOS owner Peter Turford. "We now have the financial support in place to execute our own version of the award. We think this will provide our fans with something a little extra - a race within a race as well as possibly rewarding the drivers that are willing to gamble!"
The next SOS event is a twin bill with the Ontario Traditional Sprints series scheduled for Saturday, June 15 at Southern Ontario Motor Speedway in Merlin, Ontario. Visit www.southernontariosprints.ca and www.southernontariomotorspeedway.com for more information.
About: The Southern Ontario Sprints series sanctioned its first race in 1996, making it one of Canada's longest-running motorsports sanctioning bodies. The Nitro 54 Variety Southern Ontario Sprints presented by Tammy Ten Media 2024 schedule will see the organization competing at five racing facilities in Canada and the United States. Visit www.southernontariosprints.ca for more information and news for the traveling winged 360 Sprint Car tour based in Ontario, Canada
SOS Media
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Article Credit: Peter Turford